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Yes, artists like Lifehouse, Daughtry, Creed and NeedToBreathe are secular Christian artists. Also, Evanescence has some music with religious interpretations.

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Q: Is there secular christian music
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What secular music?

Secular music is non-religious music. The word"Secular" basically means worldly. Another word for "Secular" is Mainstream. For example: Music that you'd hear at a church would be considered "Christian music" or "religious music." Music that you'd hear on modern rock radio is considered "secular" or "mainstream."

What is secular music?

Secular music is non-religious music. The word"Secular" basically means worldly. Another word for "Secular" is Mainstream. For example: Music that you'd hear at a church would be considered "Christian music" or "religious music." Music that you'd hear on modern rock radio is considered "secular" or "mainstream."

What is the difference between secular music and Christian music?

Secular music is music reflect the bad values and morals of human beings, often categorized as dangerous music. Music that causes you to think, do, or desire to do things against the Christian value system. Christian music does the exact opposite. It reflects God's good nature, values and morals. Don't be fooled by people expecting the word God to come up in every lyric for it to be Christian and the lack of a religious word in the song makes it secular. That is just based apon many Christians misunderstanding between church music and Christian music.

The Brandenburg Concerto is an example of Bach's what?

Secular music

What is music called when it's not specifically related to the church religion or spirtuality?

This is called secular music.

Are Flyleaf and Hawk Nelson Christian bands?

Flyleaf and Hawk Nelson are both Christian bands. However, they also have a secular label, which allows them to tour with secular bands, which makes most think they are not Christian bands. But these two bands also have a Christian label, which makes them a Christian band. By having a secular label, they can play their music to the whole world, not only Christians, and try to bring Christian faith to sinners.

What religion does the members of the band Switchfoot follow?

They do, but I think they consider themselves more of a secular band because if they start just calling themselves a purely Christian band they would probably lose their secular fan-base. Isn't it good that people who mainly listen to just secular music listen to Christian music and might not realize it? I think that is great! Their songs are Christian they play on Christian radio stations, and they sing some really great songs, too.

During his years in Cöthen Bach wrote more of which kind of music than ever before?

Secular music

How many people listen to secular music?

The majority of music world wide is secular. So most people listen to secular music.

Why did Skillet choose rock as a song genre?

Skillet chose rock as a genre because of the music they play. Skillet is a Christian rock band, but that does not mean that they play only for Christians and Christian festivals. As Skillet has a secular label as well as a Christian one, so they can tour with secular bands, such as Papa Roach and Creed. As they have that secular label, they also have rock as a genre.

Is secular music played by the band 'Red'?

Yes I think so. I honestly don't really like them because they are a supposedly are a "christian band " but when you hear a christian bands music the first thing you should think of is God and their music certainly does not reflect God.

When did christian music come about?

Christian music has been around for as long as music has been around. (One could say, it's been around longer than Christians have...because technically that's true.) Songs giving praise or petitions to God have been recorded in history for thousands and thousands of years- think Moses. What "came about" was mainstream/secular music. Though, perhaps, more accurately, the distinction between Christian and mainstream music is what 'came about'. Throughout history, at times when the Church ruled as a government, and most people attended church (if not actually practice their faith) the distinction wasn't as it is now. Certainly, there were types of music that were not accepted in the church, but were enjoyed elsewhere. Christian music was the norm and secular the exception. It seems these two have switched- secular music is everywhere, while "Christian music" is only listened to by christians (basically).It may be easier to ask when specific genres of christian music came about (gospel, worship, rock, reggae, heavy metal, hip hop etc etc etc).