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There are no priests in the Baha'i Faith. Such a position is forbidden in Baha'i Sacred Scripture. The Baha'i community is guided by councils of consultation elected by secret ballot at the local, national and international levels.

There are some individuals, appointed to five year terms, who have the role of advising, encouraging and protecting the Baha'i community, but they have no priestly authority or role.

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How did bahai spread?

In the Bahá'í Faith, there are no designated missionaries or priests; rather, every believer is expected to spread the Message.

What kind of code does bahai faith use?

The Bahai Faith does not use any code in its scriptures, which everyone is encouraged to read for themselves. See the Bahai Reference Library for a good selection of Bahai scriptures, all for free. The Bahai community today also does not use codes, secret handshakes, etc..

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A Bahai place of worship is called: 1) a Bahai house of worship, 2) a Bahai temple or 3) a Mashriqu'l-adhkar These are three different names for the same thing.

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William McElwee Miller has written: 'Baha'ism' -- subject(s): Babism, Bahais 'The Bahai cause today' -- subject(s): Bahai Faith 'Baha'ism, its origin, history, and teachings' -- subject(s): Bahai Faith

How has Bahai evolved from other religions?

The Bahai Faith developed out of the Babi religion, both of them beginning in Iran, which was (and is) a Shiah Muslim country, in the 19th century. The Bahais have their own scriptures, but also accept the Quran and Bible as scriptural books, just as Christians have the New Testament, but also accept the Old Testament as scripture. Bahai is evolved, as compared to its predecessors, in three major respects. Its vision is global, because it was born at a time when the whole world was known, when peoples of different religions were in contact, when problems and their solutions were increasingly becoming global. So the Bahai Faith teaches the abolition of prejudices, world unity, world government, global solidarity to address poverty and other problems. Second, the Bahai Faith was born at a time of increasing literacy and mobility, so its teachings for the individual suppose a great deal of capacity and independence for each person. Girls should be educated. There are no priests: everyone should study religions and other matters for themselves and make up their own minds. The Bahai religious community is run by elected "assemblies," not by religious experts. Third, unlike the previous religions, in the Bahai Faith the founder, Baha'u'llah, gave written instructions on what to do after his death, appointing his son Abdu'l-Baha authority to interpret the Bahai teachings and lead the community. Abdu'l-Baha in turn appointed his grandson, Shoghi Effendi, to lead the community. And the system of elected "assemblies" is also specified in the Bahai scriptures.

What is the name of what you call church for bahai?

It depends what you mean by "church."The "church" in the sense of a building for worship is called the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, which is literally the place where remembance of God goes up: a plain English equivalent would be chantry. Bahais in the west call them houses of worship. There's a wiki article here: "church" in the sense of the community of believers is just called the Bahai Community or Bahai Commonwealth."The Church" in the sense of a the authorities within the community that say what's right and what's not, and what's going to happen, is called the Bahai Administrative Order. There are no priests, the authority is in the hands of elected bodies, from the local to the international level, and there are people appointed for special functions but without any general authority in the community.

What is the meaning of thusanung bahai?

To my knowledge, no such thing exists.

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it has many but it is mainly jewish.and bahai :)

Who is a Baha'i devotee?

A Bahai is a disciple of Baha'u'llah and his son Abdu'l-Baha. Baha'u'llah was a Persian nobleman who founded the Bahai Faith, a new religion teaching world unity. He was imprisoned and banished and exiled, until he was eventually sent to Akka in the north of Israel. There's a good wikipedia page on the Bahai Faith.

What religion started on 500 bc in Iran?

Bahai faith