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Q: Is there picture of LORD Rama on any currency note?
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Whose picture is on Chinese currency note?

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Whose picture is on US 2 dollar currency note?

President Thomas Jefferson.

What is Vietnams currency name?

Vietnamese Dong, and every note has a picture of Ho Chi Minh on

What denomination of British currency doesn't have the Queen's picture on it?

The Series B Five Pound note first issued in 1957 had a picture of a helmeted Britannia on the front.

What are the ten pound sterling note of Rizal?

The ten pound sterling note is currency used in the Philippines. In 1961a picture of Jose Rizal appeared on the centennial coin.

Does England have paper currency?

Yes England does paper currency we have the £5 note £10 note £20 note and the £50 note

What building is on the 20 dollar bill in Switzerland?

Switzerland does not and never has had a currency called dollars. The currency of Switzerland is the Swiss Frank (or franc). The current Swiss 20 Frank note does not have a building on it. It has a picture of the composer Arthur Honegger on it.

What is the difference between a Banknote and a Currency note?

A "banknote" is the official currency of a country issued by the central banking authority of that country. A "Currency Note" is defined as any bill or note not exchangeable at par (for the local currency), issued by a person or company (not a bank) with a fixed value printed on the note.

What is the material used to make the Indian rupee currency note?

a Indian currency note made from cotten not from paper

What is the smallest note in Zimbabwe?

The smallest Zimbabwe currency note is the 1Cent note

Care of currency note?

currency shold be cared carefully. Ashok

How many time 500 is written on Pakistani currency 500 note?

500 is written Uncountable times on Pakistani currency 500 note, Take Zoom In Note