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No. In the first chapter of the New Testament epistle to the Hebrews, Jesus is clearly set apart from (and above) the angels in no uncertain terms.

There are some groups, however, who believe this - notably the Jehovah's Witnesses. but this teaching is false and unBiblical.

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Q: Is there anywhere in the Bible that says that Jesus is Michael the archangel?
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Is Jesus refer to as Michael in the bible?

Never. Jesus is always Jesus. Michael is the name of an angel - Archangel.

Is Jesus Michael the archangel?

Jesus is not Michael. But Michael is an angel, (Daniel 12.1), and is called the archangel in Jude 1.9

Who is Christ Michael?

No, Jesus is Christ, Jesus is in the image God. Michael is archangel instead.

Who is St Isaiah the archangel of divine mercy?

The only archangels named in The Bible are Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Isaiah is not an archangel.

Is Saint Michael Jesus?

No, Saint Michael is an archangel. Jesus is the son of God and one of the three persons of the Blessed Trinity.

Is Archangel Michael really Jesus?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo, the angels (including the archangels) are all creatures of God. Jesus is God and thus is the One who made Michael.Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is the Archangel Michael, however no other popular Christian denominations accept this belief.

Do the jehovah's witnesses believe that Michael the archangel is the only begotten Son of God?

Yes. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and that is one of our main beleifs. Michael the Archangel is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Who are the four archangels in judaism?

Only Michael is specifically referred to in the Bible as an 'archangel'....Jude 1 v9, 1 Thessalonians 4 v16. (Other traditions and the apocryphal books regard others as archangels, namely Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael with many more in Greek Orthodoxy). In the Bible, Gabriel, the angel who announced the birth of Christ in the Bible, is labelled simply as an 'angel' rather than an 'archangel'. Some believe that by reading scriptures we learn that Michael is actually Jesus, Michael is Jesus' heavenly name, that Jehovah (Psalm 83:18) gave him. However, this is speculation and not borne out in scripture at all.

What year was Michael the Archangel born?

Some may consider this a 'trick' or a 'silly' question, since angels are not thought of as being born. However, members of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society believe that Jesus was the embodiment of the Archangel Michael.

Is the Catholic St. Michael the Archangel a saint?

Yes, Saint Michael is one of three archangels named in the Bible.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses still believe Jesus Christ is Michael the archangel?

Yes.The Watchtower magazine published by Jehovah's Witnesses, 1st April 2010 page 19 says,'So Michael the archangel is Jesus in his prehuman existence. After his resurrection and return to heaven, Jesus resumed his service as Michael, the chief angel, "to the glory of God the Father." 'The Awake! magazine published by Jehovah's Witnesses, 8th Feb 2002 page 17, says,'Yet, the Scriptures point to the resurrected Jesus Christ as the chief of all angels-Michael the archangel.'

Is there anywhere in the bible indicating that Jesus ever had a hair cut?

The Bible does not answer this question.