Noah was a holy man who built the ark on which he, his wife, his sons and their wives and many animals, were saved when the Flood came.
A woman by the name of Naoh is not mentioned in the Bible.
No, there wasn't a woman mentioned in the Authorized versions of the Bible. There was, however, a woman named Noah and an woman named Gomer.
Actually there are 188 females referred to in the bible. Starting alphabetically with Abigail and ending with Zipporah. The wife of Noah is counted but her name is not given in the bible. And further there is a woman named Noah who was one of Zelophehad's five daughters. :-)
NO, Noah's wife is never named.
The name of Noahs mother is not named in The Bible, his father is named.
they are the sons of noah:
Grandson of Noah and first-named son of Japheth, born after the Flood.
There is no woman named "Janet" mentioned in the Bible.
No. The second woman named is Naamah in Genesis ch.4.
It is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible. In some old Jewish texts (in the mediaeval midrash Book of Jasher) however, she is named Naamah.
Yes, a woman named Mary wrote the Book of Revelation in the Bible.
First of all, it isn't Joan of Arc! Noah's wife isn't named in Genesis, but in the Book of Jubilees she is named as Emzara. The Book of Jubilees is a early Jewish religious work that was supressed to such an extent that no complete copy now exists.