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Rabbi Trust

An irrevocable trust that functions as a type of retirement plan or deferred compensation arrangement that offers a limited amount of security to the deferring employee.

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Q: Is there a way to make a rabbi trust qualified so employer captures the expense of funding and the recipient is not currently taxed?
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An employer can choose not to pay for health insurance for any employees but can not discriminate by paying for some employees in a qualified class and not others.

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Currently, there is a 1.45% tax on income which is matched by your employer. So in total, there is 2.9% being paid into Medicare. If you have more questions you can ask your employer.

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Are you currently disabled? If so, check with your employer and / or state's social security disability benefits. If not currently disabled, you can get individual long-term disability protection from a handful of disability insurance companies, or through your employer.