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The Egyptian Book of the Dead comes to mind as well as the Hindu Vedas. I can't think of the of the name of the oldest book from Buddhism which I am sure pre-dates The Bible. The bible wasn't even compiled until the 4th century so there are probably several religious books older than the bible.


This is true but I think the question might have been referring to the writings found in the bible. If that's the question then no, there is no book older than the bible, although the bible wasn't completed until long after many other books.


You're above statement is redundant, and very opaque.

Addressing you: It would seem that if the only thing you are identifying IS the bible than it can only exist within the linear time frame of its creation. Did you choose how to answer this question because of your bias to only include the bible when in reference to religion? Or can you not make the juxtaposition between old and New Testament? Old Testament is the group of manuscripts most influenced by the stories told in the Torah. New testament is supposed to revolve around jesus but all of his buddies want to tell the story too (around 51A.D.). They all adventure and tell their bro stories about jesus until john drops some hefty acid and writes revelations in (and around) 70. A.D.

To answer OP's question: There are MANY religious texts that predate the bible upon its completion. If there weren't we would probably have a very different bible.



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The Dao de Jing text of the Chinese Dao religion dates back to the period when some of the Old Testament books were still being written or revised, and when the New Testament books were far off in the future.

Homer's Iliad and Odyssey are sometimes called religious books of the Greek pagan religion, and they are far older than the Bible or even the Dao de Jing.

Oldest of all would probably be the Hindu Vedas.

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