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yes. venice, Italy. Yeah its called RP games. just kidding. It depends on what you mean by Magical. Like haunted?

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Q: Is there a magical land in real life?
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No, there are no real magical animals.

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Magical creatures don't exist in real life. In fantasy novels - well, that would depend on which fantasy book you are talking about.

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No. Fairies do not exist, nor does any magical creature. Fairly OddParents is just a TV show.

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When bakers bake pies and cookies and other magical circle things!(:

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I'm not sure in which context you are asking. Yes, they are real, as in the dolls do exist and you can purchase them. As for do they really come to life because of the magical thread, no, that is not true.

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It depends on what video game you're playing. In real life, you can't get either of those things.

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The land of Oz.

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Words that may describe a magical land are majestic, beautiful, in some cases dangerous, and the all obvious magical. :)

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Yes. It is actually the exact genre for the book. The elements of magical realism is in the idea that the food cooked by Tita has magical ability to transfer the feelings and emotions from the plate to the person eying it is magical. The realism comes in this because the book takes place during a real period in time and has traits of real life with the family and day to day activities of the characters.

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the magical land of 1.the oven 2.magical muffin land 3.your imagination They are really pieces of poop

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TV Land Confidential - 2005 When Real Life and Screen Life Collide - 1.2 was released on: USA: 21 September 2005

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It makes the magical details sound more real and ordinary.