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There is so many people in The Bible that make a difference. one is obviously Jesus, but what about Paul spreading the word to the whole entire known world. then before that Stephen was willing to stand up and be a voice that got him killed, but not before he influenced Paul to be who he was. what about Elijah standing off against 850 Prophets of false gods. what about David who killed Goliath or even his rule over Israel standing for God and not the norm. Just like a few kings after him like Asa, Jehoshaphat, Uzziah, Hezekiah, and Josiah how when no one else would stand up they did. destroying alters to fake gods, gods who demanded children sacrifices and immoral sexual sin. You can even look back and see someone like Moses who is ill equip, then God making him a leader of 2 million people. I hope this answers your question and a great place to start if you still want more is the hall of faith in Hebrews 11.

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No. Making references like "together we can make a difference" is the stuff of which politics consists. "Making a difference" is ambiguous enough in political jargon... terminology that "means different things to different people."

Like Obama's mantra: "Something to believe in"...meant something "different" to each individual, since each of us has our own "beliefs" and "thoughts." Most folks give [and gave] little or no thought to what everyone was "believing" regarding the political nonsense that went on at that time. Not to mention one similar political phrase being offered today to the voting public: "Together we'll make America great again" -- when few people actually know or give any thought as to what REALLY made America great in the first place.

"Difference" means different things to different people.

The Bible's use of "difference" is quite "different" from the way most people think of it today. Of "making a difference," God's Word says:

"...'that ye may PUT A DIFFERENCE between HOLY and UNHOLY, between UNCLEAN and CLEAN..." (Lev.10:10 KJV).

Same verse - NLT (New Living Translation): "You are to DISTINGUISH BETWEEN what is holy and what is ordinary, what is ceremonially unclean and what is clean."

And: "Even the Righteousness of God WHICH IS BY FAITH OF Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them THAT BELIEVE: for THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE..." (Rom.3:22 KJV).

(NLT): "We are MADE RIGHT in God's sight WHEN WE TRUST IN JESUS CHRIST to take away our sins. And we can all be saved IN THIS SAME WAY, no matter who we are or what we have done."

Biblically speaking, then... it would take EVERYONE'S [all people's; everyone-in-the-world's] "Faith and Trust in and Obedience to Jesus Christ" to actually REMOVE ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AND AMONG PEOPLE. And that kind of Faith and Trust... and Obedience [through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit]... is simply not [at this time in God's plan] universally possible, to make any positive "difference" in the world.

Simply because "all the people in the world [or in any given nation] AREN'T SPIRITUALLY, IN FAITH, TRUST and OBEDIENCE TO JESUS CHRIST, TOGETHER on things; politically or religiously." In this world; "together" the only "difference" unconverted people can make is one of confusion, since everyone has their own idea regarding what they think "a difference" is... and means.

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