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In Catholicism the upside down cross is sometimes worn by those with a devotion to St. Peter the Apostle who was crucified upside down.

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Q: Is the upturned crucifix a Satanic symbol?
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A crucifix is a religious symbol of Jesus hanging on a cross. Methodists believe that Jesus did die on the cross, and know that there are indeed depictions of Jesus on the cross, but they do not use the crucifix as their own symbol.

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The symbol of faith can change from religion to religion as well as person to person. In Christianity, a symbol of faith is the crucifix.

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A crucifix is a cross with an image of Jesus on it and it is a principal symbol for many Christian groups. The symbol represents Jesus Christ's death on the cross, being sacrificed for the world's redemption.

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No, the symbol for the Eucharist is a Crucifix(a cross with a representation of Our Blessed Lord's Body on it.)

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There is no specific symbol for a Catholic convert. However, the symbol of the Catholic Church is the crucifix, which represents the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. A convert to Catholicism may choose to wear a crucifix or display one in their home as a symbol of their faith.

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The crucifix, used by most Christianity.

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The most well known symbol of Christianity, is the Crucifix.