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The Jews worship no one but God. Yaweh or Jehovah are Jewish terms for God, but many will not even use those terms and will write G-d instead of God. This is because these Jews revere the One so highly that they believe it is improper to speak his name in any way. I'll ask you an equivalent question - do Christians worship a crucifix or a cross?

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Q: Is the star of David Image worshiped in the Jewish faith?
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How does the star of david support Jewish faith?

The Star of David does not support the Jewish faith. It is only a symbol of national pride.

Is there more than one Star of David?

No there is only one Star of David of the Jewish faith.

What is the symbol sign for Jewish faith?

It is the Magen David or Star Of David for the nation of Israel. It is the menorah for the religion.

Your people follow the 10 commandments and the Star of David is your symbol who are you?

People of the Jewish faith.

What symbols does the Jewish faith have?

Either the star of david for the nation of Israel or the Menorah as a religious symbol.

Will elizabeth taaylor be buried in the jewih faith?

Consider it done. Ms. Taylor was buried in the Jewish Faith. she may have been interred with a Star of David medallion that she had constantly on in her last illness. A Rabbi officiated at the funeral. She was buried Jewish.

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The homeland of Jewish Faith is Israel.

What does the Jewish faith focus on for spiritual guidance?

The Jewish faith focuses on God for spiritual guidance and the Torah that He provided for the Jewish people.

Is the Jewish God true?

To people of the Jewish faith, certainly. This is a question of faith and naturally those who have faith in God as described by Jewish teachings will claim Him to be True. Those who do not have faith in this God or have faith in a different god or gods will claim Him to be False. Only you can decide which is true.

What is the faith of Jesus before Christianity?

The faith of Jesus Christ was Jewish. Everyone in Israel back then were all Jewish.

If the leader of an indivisible Catholic church is a Priest what is the leader of the Jewish Faith called?

The leader of the Jewish faith is called Rabbi.

Is Jill Biden raised in the Jewish faith?

No, Jill Biden was not raised Jewish. She was raised Catholic and continues to practice that faith.