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Q: Is the rabbi Jewish
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Do you have to be Jewish to become a Rabbi?

Yes, you have to be Jewish to become a Rabbi.

What is a rabbis?

A rabbi is a Jewish religious leader and teacher. If a Jewish person has a religious question, they usually go to a rabbi. Rabbis also give spiritual advice. They are not appointed by god.a rabbi is a spiriual leader. each community has at least one rabbi.Rabbis ARE Jewish, and they're teachers and clergy people.

Is a rabbi necessary at a Jewish wedding?

Yes. The Rabbi conducts it.

What is a Jewish cleric?

A rabbi

What is the name of the UK Chief Rabbi?

Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks. He is the religious leader of the Jewish community in the UK. Rabbi is a Jewish word meaning Teacher.

What is the name for the priest in a synagogue?

A priest in Hebrew is "cohen". So people named Cohen are descended from Jewish priests. A Cohen / Kohen is specifically a Jewish Priest ascended from Aaron.

Who is the Jewish service conduct by?

A Rabbi

What is the clergy of Jewish?

A rabbi and a cantor.

Who is a teacher of jewish law?

A rabbi.

What do you call Jewish leaders?

A Jewish "leader" is a Rabbi which means teacher.

What is the function of a chief rabbi?

The Chief Rabbi is in charge of the Jewish community in the country he lives in.

What is a Jewish vicar called?

There is no equivalent to a Vicar in the Jewish religion.