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Yes, there are similarities. Although written as if by the Apostle Paul, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus are known collectively to scholars as the Pastoral epistles because they addressed issues that arose in the Church in the first half of the second century. The author wrote a series of epistles allegedly from Paul to Timothy and Titus, setting out the new rules he wished to have implemented as if Paul had given the instructions to Timothy and Titus. He realised that by using Paul's name, the epistles would gain far greater acceptance than if he had acknowledged his own role as author.

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Q: Is the content of 1 Timothy similar to that of Titus?
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There are three pastoral epistles: 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. These letters were written by the apostle Paul and are addressed to individuals--Timothy and Titus--to provide guidance on leadership within the early Christian church.

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The New Testament epistles of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothyand Titus.

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Howard Armin Moellering has written: 'Concordia commentary: 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus' -- subject(s): Bible, Commentaries

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