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Q: Is the book of Enoch in the Bible?
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The book of Enoch is not in my Bible.

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There is no book called Enoch in the bible.

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the book of Enoch

What lost books of the bible describe heaven?

The book of Enoch.

What book of in the Bible contains a quote from the Book of Enoch a part of the Pseudepigrapha.?

It is quoted in the book of June

What book in the Bible contains a quote from the Book of Enoch a part of the Pseudepigrapha.?

It is quoted in the book of June

What book in the Bible contains a quote from the Book of Enoch a part of the Pseudepigrapha?

It is quoted in the book of June

Where is uriel found in the bible?

The Arch Angel Uriel is not mentioned in the Protestant Bible. He is mentioned in the Second Book of Esdras and also the Book of Enoch.

Jesus quotes a scripture that does not exist in canonized Bible?

I believe he quoted from the Book of Enoch, which is not in the KJV Bible. But was a relevant Book in Jesus' time.

Where are the other books of scripture not found in the bible?

There are 17 other books referenced in the Bible, but not in the Bible. Some of them have been lost or destroyed, others like the 'Book of Jasher' and Enoch are available from book stores.

Why is the book of Enoch not included in the Bible?

The book of Enoch is not included in the Bible because it is considered an Apocrypha..... ancient writings that are not accepted as part of the Bible Canon. These books can have some good historical value, but something in them causes doubt as to their being validated as "inspired by God."

Where did Jesus meet enoch?

The bible does not tell us about Jesus and Enoch meeting.