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hi, yin is female (dark) and yang is male (light)

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Q: Is the black side of a yin yang feamale or male?
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Related questions

What part of the yin yang is the male?

yang, the black side

Is yang black or white?

yang is the white one. in the Chinese culture it represents the sunny side of the mountain. Yang means sunny side and south side of the mountain so the white side is yang, it represents the sun, heat, day time, summer and spring, male, fire, dryness, the dragon, aggressive, south, light, life etc.

Is Yang Black?

Yin represents female energy, darkness and weakness and Yang represents male energy, light and strength. So no Yang is not black. Yin is black and Yang is white

What is the female half of yin and yang?

It is the "Yin" side. "Yang" is the male side. Yin is the side which is represented by earth, the tiger, winter, valleys, cold, death :(, dark, matter, water, shade, receptive, and tends to be rather passive. Yang is the exact opposite i.e.; sky, dragon, summer, mountains, warm, life, light, fire, sunlight, creative, and tends to be active. Both of the sides of Yin/Yang contain a little of the other half of its opposite. (Hint: Yin is the Black-dominant side.)

Does it matter which side the black and white is in yin yang?

i would have said no. but in the yin yang the black is on the left and white is on the right

Is a ying yang a circle that is half black half white and on the black side has a white dot and a white side has a black dot?


What is a yin?

A yin is the female principle in some philosophies and religions, contrasting with the male side, the yang.

What colour is what in the yin and yang?

Ying and yang consist of two shades, black and white.

Does the white or black represent good on the yin yang sign?

Yin represents female energy, darkness and weakness and Yang represents male energy, light and strength. The white represents the good on a yin-yang sign

Is yang male?


What does yin yang stand for?

Yin and yang is a symbol that is black and white on either side and with a little black and white circle on the opposite side of its colour. It's meaning is balance like the balance of evil and good. Or, you could say, in the dark(the black side) there is always light(the white circle) and in the light(the white side) there is always darkness(the black circle).

Dragon and yen and yang tattoo meaning?

Yin-Yang is cosmic duality. Yin (black side) and Yang (the white) represent contrasts to express completeness. So: dark and light; male and female; positive and negative, heaven and hell... the small dots of opposite colour in each side represent mutual dependence so that opposing forces are not in conflict but depend on each other for completeness. Japanese Dragon: a reconciliation of opposites, a combination of yin and yang. It is strength and power combined with wisdom and is ultimately 'good'. In tattooing a dragon is an aspiration to wholeness and wisdom