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The Talmud is a compilation of commentaries on The Bible that have been recorded in order to teach the oral law that accompanies the written text of the Torah. However, it the Torah itself which is THE holy book in Judaism.

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The Torah is the Holy book for the Jews. The Qur'an is the Holy book in Islam.

The Muslims believe in all the holy books including Torah that was revealed to Hazrat Moses (AS). Anyway, all the old holy books have been tampered with and they are no longer authentic. Closely read, we can find many verses of the Torat and the Bible in the holy Qur'an because the source of all heavenly books is the same-Almighty Allah.

Read more about the Muslim Holy Books at the Related Link below.

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Q: Is the Talmud a Jewish book?
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Talmud is the Jewish book of laws.

What is a book with commentaries explaining Jewish laws?

The Talmud

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The talmuld is a religios book gfor the Jewish

Book that encompasses the whole body of jewish religious literature?

The Talmud. It is the traditional explanation and commentary on the Torah.

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Jewish tradition is that, like the other prophets, Jeremiah wrote the book which is named after him. (Talmud, Bava Bathra 14b-15a.)

What was the Jewish Talmud?

It IS (still is, not was) (basically) the rule book of Judaism as written by Rabbis, pertaining to laws, ethics, customs, and history.

What book is the story of Hannukah in?

It's in the Talmud, Shabbat 21b, and other Jewish sources such as Megillat Taanit ch.9.

Why is the Talmud important for Jewish people?

The Talmud is the main legal text for the Jewish religion, and contains detailed discussions, stories, and laws. Some Orthodox Jews study Talmud every day of their lives.

How were the mishnah and talmud practiced and worshiped?

1) The Talmud is revered as a religious text, but it isn't worshiped. Only God is worshiped. 2) The Talmud is practiced through the observance of Jewish law, as religious Jews do today. Jewish law is codified in the Talmud.

What are the names for the 2 commentaries of Jewish scriptures?

1. Babylonian Talmud 2. Jerusalem Talmud

What are the teachings about the Torah and is a record of Jewish law?

Both the Torah and the Talmud are important records of Jewish laws and teachings. See the Related Links.Link: More about the TorahLink: More about the TalmudLink: Examples of Jewish laws

Did mayor Bloomberg cover up a rite of a Talmud Jewish sect?

There's no such thing as a "Talmud Jewish sect" so there would be nothing to cover up.