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The Old Testament is very useful today. There are so many things that pertained to that time just as they do today. Dig into the book of Proverbs. It was written by Solomon and other wise men. It gives many good life lessons that I apply to my life. There are books written in the Old Testament about people that lived a long time ago and if you read them you will see that they are not so different from us today. The O.T. tells us the prophesy of things to come. Many of these have already come to pass. Some of the books are kind of dry to read but they all have something to teach. Someone once said something like this: " Those that fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." Open The Bible and give it a chance.

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Yes it is.

In the Old Testament we can learn about God, who He is, what His attributes are, how He deals with mankind. In the Old Testament we can also learn about mankind and their relationship to God. We can be inspired by the people of faith in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament can also learn about the way of salvation. The Old Testament lays the foundation for the New Testament and the foundation for Christian beliefs.

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It is important to those that are practising believers in Christianity, Judaism and to a certain extent Islam.
It is less so for those who have no religious convictions, but there are certain passages that give some guidance to even those people. Not necessarily spiritual but moral and ethical. Unfortunately these are often offset by the cruelty, violence and immoral behaviour displayed by some characters.

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the old testament is more based on the 'olden' days.we have a different out look tords things so the old testament was written to show us the stories of is the new one.but its best for us to read the new one b/c it relates more to us now!

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the old testament is the teaching and instructions of God to give us life by keeping his commandment and to show us the prophetic coming of Jesus.The entire them is to tell us about him. the renewed testament is just that, not anything new. as it is direct quotes from the old testament making up 87% of the new testament to fulfill with understanding through the holly spirit or (truth) what the profits were trying to tell us. not disanuling anything but the penalty of the (Law)= teaching and instructions)The secondary them is to warn us not to serve other Gods like the the god of the elements such as baal or Ishtar translated by historical fact means Christmass and Easter. Quite opposite from what secular Christianity teaches today. All most people know is what they have inherited from the council of the catholic Church via Martin Luther to you.

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