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No. Usually the Holy Spirit is unseen but at times such as Christ's baptism it appeared in the form of a dove. On the day of Pentecost the 'tongues of fire' on the believers was symbolic of the coming of the Holy Spirit, which would have been either white or golden in colour, not necessarily blue.

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Q: Is the Holy Spirit always blue?
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Related questions

Do you have to capitalize Holy Spirit?

Yes, Holy Spirit is a proper noun and should always be capitalized.

What is the difference between being baptized with the holy spirit and filled with the holy spirit?

Nothing more than christianic doctrine ideologies and christianic theories. You'll always need to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

What had the priest always told the people?

Always believe in the ghost, holy spirit, and the lord

Where in the Bible you can find the verse that says the spirit is always here but not always in you?

There isn't actually a Scripture in the Bible that says that. But only true Christians possess the Holy Spirit within them (I Corinthians 6:19) and he will continue to be in them and not leave. Unbelievers do not have the Holy Spirit in them. In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit would come upon certain people whom God wanted to use, but generally the Holy Spirit did not abide in any person.

Was Jesus without the Holy Spirit until he as Baptised?

No. He was with it always! He is God!

When was the Holy Spirit made and what exactly is it apart from a spirit that is everywhere and how does it help us?

The Holy Spirit was not made. He is the Spirit of God, and is always with the believer, comforting, guiding, encouraging, and teaching us. See the Related link below.

Why was it neessary for Jesus to be baptized with the Holy Spirit?

The holy spirit it truth, revelation, and part of God. This is why he did not start his ministry until he was baptized. The holy spirit, God, led him to heal certain people, to places at God timing, and to always do God's will.

How do you invite holy spirit in?

Say 'I invite the holy spirit in' and the holy spirit will come in

Do Catholics believe that Father son and hOly ghost is one person?

I do not believe in the holy ghost, but I do believe in the Holy Spirit, that is because I know Him personally. To even mention the word ghost when referring to the Holy Spirit is a sin against my master who is the Holy Spirit. When using the word ghost you are referring to someone or thing that has lived and died. My master the Holy Spirit always was and always will be. As His apostle I am here to interpret Gods Words to mankind before their deaths so they can have the choice of salvation or damnation. More teachings of the Holy Spirit can be found on His website Holy Spirit of God .net God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are One God, and I have spoken to each one of Them vocally and have been answered back by Them vocally.

What are some other names for the Holy Spirit?

Holy Spirit namesThe Holy Spirit is also called the Comforter, Paraclete, Spirit of Truth, and the AdvocateOther names for the Holy Spirit are:- Holy Ghost, Spirit of promise, Revelator, Sanctifier, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of truth, Comforter and Messenger of the Lord.

What do you call the day the Holy Spirit came?

After Jesus was crucified god sent the holy spirit to be with the disciples always in his place.Roman Catholic Answer:The day is called Pentecost. Right before his Ascension, Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit. After that they were empowered by the Holy Spirit and filled with "all knowledge" to go out and convert the world.

Whom did Jesus send us so that his presence will be with us always?

the Holy Spirit