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The Episcopal church, as we know it today, was founded by Henry VIII of England, and later codified and established by his daughter, Elizabeth I. At that time, the sacraments that they retained, the Bishops, Priests, etc. were all based on the Catholic church in England. As a matter of fact, to a large extent that WERE the Catholic priests and Bishops of England who thought it more expedient to convert than lose their heads. The Book of Common Prayer was pretty much a translation of the Mass with the more "Popish" doctrines removed and it was still celebrated in Catholic churches which Henry simply took from the Catholic Church. Other Catholic churches (other than Roman Catholic) have different traditions, like the Eastern rites, etc. The closet in practice to the Roman church would be the Episcopal.

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Roman Catholic AnswerAn Episcopalian, regardless of his persuasion (high church or low church) is still a protestant, even if he likes the more Catholic ceremonies of the high church. Holy Communion in a Catholic Church is restricted to those who believe as a Catholic and are in a state of grace (have been baptised, and have been to confession). An Episcopalian is not Catholic, and does not believe as the Catholic Church does. If he does believe what the Catholic Church does, like everyone else, he must attend RCIA classes and be legitimately brought into the Church at the Easter Vigil. Having been a "high church" Episcopalian myself, I know of what I speak!

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Episcopalian priests may be male or female.All of her ancestors were Episcopalian except for her great-grandfather.The Episcopalian faith uses Sacraments similar to those in the Catholic Church.

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The Catholic Church, the Anglican(Episcopalian) Church, Presbyterian Church, Orthodox Church, etc.

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obviously after the death of his wife

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no she is the head of the Church of England (Episcopalian)

Is Mass celebrated in the Episcopalian church?

Mass is specifically a Catholic rite. In the Episcopal Church, they call a similar ritual the Eucharist.

Where did the episcopalian religion start?

The Episcopalian branch of Christianity began in England when Henry VIII broke ties with the Roman Catholic church under leadership of the Pope.

Who found episcopalian?

The Episcopalian community of churches, or Anglican Church, dates from Henry VIII's separation from the Roman Catholic Church. The separation was not simple, and required a number of years and several monarchs to be effectively established.

When did the Catholic and protestants battle started?

When King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church and started the Anglican Church in England, and when Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church in Germany. This started the Anglican (Church of England, Episcopalian, Anglo-Catholic, etc.) and Lutheran churches.

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Both churches and the Lutheran Church are "non reformed churches". They did not eliminate the rites of the Roman Catholic Church during the reformation. The Lutheran and Episcopal Churches are Protestant churches. The Lutheran church was founder by Martin Luther when he broke away from the Catholic Church and the Episcopalian church was formed when King Henry the eighth of England broke away from the Catholic Church and the Pope. He later took over all the churches and destroyed many of them. As a side note, all Christians were Roman Catholic until the 15th century.

What is the religion of bishops?

Catholic __ Depends on what faith they believe in. There are Bishops in the Anglican Church, Catholic, Orthodox, Episcopalian, Methodist etc.