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yes the churches in the middle ages were corrupt because they thought that they could tax on everything including the crops the peasants grew. They also charged a large fee for women that entered the church to become nuns. Basically, the church spent more time thinking about how to get more money instead of trying to get their religious message across hope this helps

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16y ago
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14y ago

Yes it was. Because it controlled the society and the government it was able to mass great wealth and power through out Europe. It sold indulges to help build the great churches. These were bits and pieces of bones and wood that the church claimed were parts of saints and the "true cross". The popes controlled the kings and queens under them by threats and use of power. They owned vast estates and had a lot of land ( that's one reason Henry VIII was so happy to get get his hands on the church property). With any organization that controls this much power and wealth there will be corruption.

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13y ago

For nearly 2000 years Satan has been trying to destroy the Church from without and from within. There will always be pockets of corruption in any organization where man is involved, the Catholic Church included. However, Pope Benedict XVI is working to root out corruption when he finds it. A good number of bishops and other clergy members have already been asked to resign.

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11y ago

The tradition of finding a second son a place in the church (generally as a priest) started. Too often these young noblemen had never frequented the church before they were suddenly supposed to lead it. This lead to absenteeism (where a "priest" would hire someone else to actually do his job for half (or less) of what the parish was paying him while he went off and led the life of a "gentleman of leisure) and also simony (the buying and selling of clerical offices), both of which lead invariably to corruption.

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12y ago

Often yes, it was. The Pope or cardinals would accept money.

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Q: Is the Catholic Church still corrupt?
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During the 1500's the Catholic Church was corrupt and used its money that it made from selling indulgences, like Pope Leo X, to be spent on extravagant building projects, like St. Peter's Basilica.Roman Catholic AnswerThe same things it has always done with its money, feed the poor, help people attain salvation, etc. One of the ways in which the Church has always done the later is the building of Churches. As for the Catholic Church being corrupt, the Catholic Church is composed exclusively of sinners, and yes, many of them have been corrupt. But sinners is who Jesus sent us to save. The Church, itself, is the Mystical Body of Christ, and, thus, can not be corrupt. Remember, as well, that the Catholic Church embraces the whole world, and the vast majority of "its money" is used on the local level. To make sweeping generalizations, as above, is historically ignorant, and prejudicial.

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During the Renaissance, the Catholic Church was involved in corrupt practices such as the sale of indulgences. Indulgences were essentially a way for people to pay for the forgiveness of their sins, leading to accusations of exploitation and misuse of power within the Church.

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