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The bible says you can only re-marry if your spouse has died, or if your spouse is a un-beliver and wants to divorce you. it says this in Romans i think Just improving the answer ! The Bible says, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Jesus and Paul both had things to say about this subject as well. If you swap wives or husbands with the mates' consent, that is man's word, not God's. Society's morals change like the seasons, God's Word does not. Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever." So, you must choose if you will listen to what God has already said or to be tempted to go against that and listen to the society we live in. You are also getting into the sins of lust and coveting in this realm of thought. Obedience to God is the highest form of worship. We can say a lot of things about what we believe. We can praise God for hours, but what counts with God is when and if we obey what He has told us. If we obey we are blessed. If not, we must bear the consequences.

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Q: Is swapping wives with the consent of the both husbands and the wives be considered as adultery in the Bible?
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Yes - if you live within a jurisdiction with "no-fault" divorce laws. Where "at-fault divorce" laws are in effect, a party requesting a divorce must demonstrate that there are grounds for the divorce. If, for example, someone files for divorce on the grounds of adultery in a jurisdiction where "at-fault divorce" is the law, and the other spouse disputes the grounds - i.e. denies adultery took place and refuses to agree to the divorce, a judge may deny the divorce petition. In some jurisdictions men may divorce their wives at-will, but women may not divorce their husbands without their husband's consent.

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