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Yes; that is the Hebrew name for the book of Exodus.

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Q: Is shemot the original second book of the bible?
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Why is the second book of the Torah called exodus?

It is based on the Exodus, the departure of the Israelites from Egypt under Moses. The book is actually known by the name "Shemot" in the original Hebrew.

Whats the name of the second book Hebrew scriptures?

Exodus, which is called Shemot (שמות) in Hebrew

How the word exodus pronounced in Hebrew and the meaning?

The word "exodus" is yetsi'ah (יציאה), however, this is not the name of the second book of the Bible. In Hebrew, Jewish writings do not have titles, as we know them in English. Instead, the first significant word of the book is used as a title. Therefore, the second book of the Bible is called Shemot (שמות), which means "names". If you look at Exodus 1:1, the first significant word is "Names."

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The second book of the Bible is the book of Exodus.

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"Exodus" is a book in the Bible, not a word in the text of the Bible. The book of Exodus is in the Bible once. It is the second book in the Bible, right after Genesis.

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There is no book called Enoch in the bible.

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The second book printed in English was "The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye" by William Caxton, printed in 1473.