Pork is just one of countless animals that are considered to be not fit for consumption in Judaism. The requirement for mammals, according to kashrut (dietary law), is that they have both split hooves AND chew their cud. Any animal that doesn't meet these two requirements can't be used for food according to kashrut. Additionally, in the list of animals not allowed in the Torah, pigs are actually at the bottom of the list.
"Halal" is an Islamic term. Islam allows eating shellfish but prohibits eating pork and alcohol. Judaism traditionally does not allow eating of shellfish or pork but does allow alcohol.
Jews and Muslims do not eat pork because it is considered haram (forbidden) in their respective religious beliefs. In Judaism, the prohibition against pork consumption is outlined in the Torah, while in Islam, it is forbidden in the Quran. Both religions consider the consumption of pork to be impure and spiritually detrimental.
Some foods are prohibited by religions--for example pork is forbidden by Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism. Certain foods are prescribed by religion--for example the Passover meal in Judaism.
Perhaps you mean the Muslims. They don't eat pork because Almighty Allah has forbidden them to eat pork.
I wonder what the question is about. Any how, eating Pork is strictly and explicitly forbidden for Muslims to eat. Also forbidden in Judaism and Christianity religions although most Christians eat it. Refer to the related question for more information.
The religion that prohibits the consumption of pork is Islam. In Islamic dietary laws, pork is considered haram, or forbidden, due to its impurity and health risks. This prohibition is outlined in the Quran, the holy book of Islam, and is strictly followed by observant Muslims.
It is forbidden explicitly in Quran, God holy book, to eat pork or meat of pig. It is a direct and explicit God command, as mentioned in Quran, that is not subject to justification or debate. It should be followed as sign of God obedience even if there is no apparent justification for it. However, it is proved recently that Pork meat has negative impacts on your health. It is worthy to mention that Pork is also forbidden in Judaism and Christianity although the Christian church allows its eating. Refer to related question for more information.
Judaism does not permit Jews to eat pork or any part of a pig (Deuteronomy ch.14).
none, pork is forbidden in Islam
They have been forbidden to eat pork by Almighty Allah (God).