Oval Bible College is registered with the Louisiana Board of Regents and is authorized by the State of Louisiana to grant religious degrees. OBC is accredited by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, Inc., P.O. Box 8939, Rocky Mount, NC 27804-6939. The contact number is (252)451-0024). Oval Bible College is an accredited business member of the Better Business Bureau of Southwest Louisiana, Inc.
Baptist Bible College is an accredited Bible college. There are other accredited colleges too that are affiliated with a particular religion, that offer online courses, and offer different degrees.
Bethany Bible College is accredited and is ranked by 4icu.org as 89th out of 99 colleges and universities in Canada.
Yes it is! OBC is accredited by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, Inc., P.O. Box 8939, Rocky Mount, NC 27804-6939. The contact number is (252)451-0024.
The Arlington Bible College is accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education.
No, is not a college regional accredited.
No, is not a college regional accredited.
Faith Baptist Bible College is located near Des Moines, Iowa. It is an accredited college. The website for the school is www.faith.edu/. It offers both associate and bachelor's degrees.
Yes, Crown College is accredited.
Yes, Salt Lake Bible College does offer degrees recognized in academic levels and in some cases, the credits are transferable. The college is fully accredited.
Greenville Tech is an accredited college. It is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
The Florida career college is an accredited college located in Florida. The University of Art and Design is another accredited college located in Florida.
There are a number of accredited bible colleges which offer online courses. You can find a list at accreditedonlinebiblecolleges.org.