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Because the Lord has said that the body is a temple of God, it would to this writer, seem that the body should be treated as such, and should not be put on display to be seen of others. And yes they can become a Christian.

You may remember that Adam and Eve as soon as they partook of the fruit saw that they were both naked and covered themselves up with fig leaves, then God made them proper clothing made from animal skin.

Anyone who is a Christian has the Holy Spirit inside them working with their conscience, guiding them to know what's wrong and what's right. So, they know that they should cover themselves when they go out in public.

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Yes, a nudist can be a Christian, and a Christian can be a nudist. When God designed his perfect creation, he didn't have a problem with people walking around nude. In the story of Adam and Eve, Adam and Eve did make coverings for themselves when they sinned, but The Bible does not say why they made coverings for themselves. They could have done this for a variety of reasons. But sexual reasons are highly unlikely to have been one of them, because supposedly Adam and Eve were the only two people around, and they were married. They were already allowed to see each other naked. And modesty could not have been an issue, because God didn't care that they were naked beforehand, and as for talking about humans, again if Adam and Eve were the only ones around, that wouldn't have mattered either. Therefore they may have been trying to cover up their shame from sinning, just like children sometimes try to cover up things they have spilled instead of telling their parents so that it could have gotten cleaned up. Remember, Adam and Eve tried to hide from God by hiding behind plants and stuff in the Garden. Obviously they were already not thinking correctly, because it is impossible to hide from God. Therefore if they did something that did not have any rational sense to it by hiding behind plants, they may have made coverings out of fig leaves for themselves out of that same "not thinking correctly" mindset.

Also, the vast majority of the scientific research studying the effects of social nudity on people shows no ill effects (see the book Nudist Society: The Controversial Study of the Clothes-Free Naturist Movement in America by William Hartman, for one example). Social nudity also helps children grow up knowing what people's bodies look like, and so they are a lot less likely to develop an unnatural curiosity of the opposite sex. It can also help to show that variation is normal and natural in bodies, which is another positive effect.

The reason so many people tend to associate nudity with sex is because many cultures, including America, tend to keep nudity almost always limited to times where sexual interactions or stimulation is taking place. Therefore, people start to have sexual arousal issues sometimes when they see nudity in a non-sexual situation. This is classical conditional shining through- Just like when a dog is trained to hear a bell and come for food, eventually the dog's mouth starts to water at the sound of the bell, because it expects food to be there when it gets there, even if food doesn't show up. When people see opposite sex nudity after society has told them it is, and played it up as, a sexual thing, people start to become sexually aroused when they see nudity, even though nudity is a neutral thing. People can become untrained naturally so that they don't become aroused when they see opposite sex nudity, but most people never try social nudity to let it happen.

Included in the related links section of this answer is a document that goes over the Scriptures that discuss nudity. It is written from the vantage point of someone who believes social nudity is Biblically sound.

As for any matter of the faith, a person shouldn't just blindly accept answers from another person; a person should make sure to do their research. This is because people are imperfect and they make mistakes, and so to get a full understanding of any truth, one should research it a bit. Otherwise, the next time someone else who looks just as holy comes along with a different point of view, a person could have their beliefs changed, regardless of whether it is right. Truth should be based on evidence and research, because "19 By wisdom the LORD laid the earth's foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place; 20 by his knowledge the watery depths were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew." (Proverbs 3:19-20 NIV). God isn't a random "do whatever feels good" God; he uses his brain/intellect. Love is smart, and people can find out and learn what God's ways are, because they are based on reason/wisdom (God's intellect/wisdom).

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13y ago
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13y ago

The social practice of nudism or going without clothing whenever practical (i.e. weather and activity permitting) is widely believed to be compatible with all religions. The only exception I am aware of is Middle Eastern religions holding that men should not gaze upon the body of a woman other than one to which they are married*.

A search on Google for keywords "Christian Nudists" (quoted as a phrase) returns 5,960 references as of today's date.

A search on Google for keywords "Jewish Nudists" (quoted as a phrase) returns 9,430 references as of today's date.

A search on Google for keywords "Muslim Nudists" (quoted as a phrase) returns 226 references as of today's date.

A search on Google for keywords "Pagan Nudists" (quoted as a phrase) returns 268 references as of today's date.

These search results illustrate the relative commonality of the term in comparison to various world-wide religions**.


* - Needs citation to specific religious and/or cultural text.

** - See also the book, "A Brief History of Nakedness" by Philip Carr-Gomm

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14y ago

Yes, because Christians believed that Adam and Eve were in the nude and so, they should too.

There are so many denominations of Christianity, there is no single doctrine or set of rules. With so many, there must be some that allow it.

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12y ago

God created man to live naked. If Adam had not disobeyed God with the result being sin, the world would be filled today with billions of naked people. So being naked in and off itself is not a sin. Many Christians are also nudists or naturists and do not sin while being clothes free. There are also many Christians who would not dream of being naked in front of another person besides their spouse. So it depends on the person, their relationship with God, and their upbringing. But there is nothing in the Bible that forbids the private practice of nudism either in your home or in a specific place created for it.


according to the Christians, no


Actually, that depends on which Christians you ask. Not all sects of Christianity believe the exact same thing. The Bible says that sexual immorality and lust are a sin, but does not say that nudity is a sin.

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Completely allowed. No one can see you nude unless you invite them in the call. Skype has no way of filters through video chat and they have none. You are also allowed to send nudity via. file transfer.

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