no we dont
Not going to mass on Sundays or holy days is considered a mortal sin in the Catholic Church.
Don't be naive. What do you think there doing in church every Sunday.
.Catholic AnswerIt is never a sin to drink beer, as long as it is not to excess, then it would always be a sin. Church is a place to pray so I don't think one would have an opportunity to drink in a Church. If you have given up beer for something, or for a fast day then it would be a sin to drink it. Sunday has never been a fast day.
Roman Catholic AnswerYes, missing Mass on a Sunday is a sin, if it is deliberate then it can easily be a mortal sin (for those who do not know, one mortal sin is all it takes, if you die with one mortal sin on your soul, you are denied heaven for eternity). It is covered in both the Ten Commandments and the Precepts of the Church, you must attend Mass on all Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. You may not receive Holy Communion at Mass if you have previously missed a Sunday or Holy Day and have not been to confession.
Not to attend mass on a Sunday or a day of obligation is a grave sin. It is the Lord's day and it s proper to set aside the time to worship him in communion with the rest of the Church.
is by going to church every Sunday
Not putting time away for any Sunday is a sin for it breaks sabbath
A mortal sin other church! You have the opportunity to see bread turn in to Christ every Sunday and you want to go to another church? No other church has what the Catholic church has. I don't think you realize how special the Holy Mass is. It is a mortal sin to miss mass on Sunday. (In a ROMAN CATHOLIC church.)