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No, mercy killing or assisted suicide are not accepted by the Catholic Church. God alone determines when we are to die.

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Q: Is mercy killing accepted by Catholic Church?
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Is mercy killing legal in the Philippines?

No it is not as the country is very Catholic.

What happens when you die if you are raised Catholic but change religions?

If you were raised as a Catholic, confirmed as a Catholic and accepted the truths taught by Catholicism and then denied all that and joined a different Church, you are considered as having committed apostasy. The Church teaches that your soul could be spending eternity in a very hot place. God will have much more mercy on those who were raised as Protestants and who died as Protestants and were never exposed to the truths of Catholicism.

What are the example of mercy killing?

Plastic bag suffocation is a great example of mercy killing.

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Yes mercy killing is another way of saying euthanasia.

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Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland associates itself with the Catholic Church. Even though it associates with a specific religious denomination, it accepts patients of all faiths.

Difference between euthanasia and mercy killing?

There is no difference, "Euthanasia" is just the Greek word of mercy killing!

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James A. Griffin has written: 'The priestly heart' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Catholic authors, Christian life, Clergy, Priesthood, Religious life 'Reflections on the law of love' -- subject(s): Beatitudes, Catholic Church, Catholic authors, Christian ethics, Corporal works of mercy, Criticism, interpretation, Love, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Love, Spiritual works of mercy 'A Lenten Walk' 'A summary of the new Catholic catechism' -- subject(s): Catechisms, Catholic Church, History and criticism

What is the major difference between mercy killing and euthanasia?

There is no difference, "Euthanasia" is just the Greek word of mercy killing!

Can you go Mercy College as public instead of Catholic?

Yes, you may attend Mercy College if you are not Catholic.

How did rich people achieve salvation in the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerRich people achieve salvation the same way as anyone, through cooperation with the love and mercy of Our Blessed Lord.

What is a summary of euthanasia?

Mercy Killing

How do you stop mercy killing?
