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The terms macroevolution and microevolution were first coined in 1927 by the Russian entomologist Philipchenko. Macroevolution is the term now used to refer to any evolutionary change at or above the level of species, such as the splitting of a species into two or the change of a species over time into another species. Microevolution refers to any evolutionary change below the level of species, and can also apply to changes that are not genetic.

Creationists often assert that macroevolution is not proven, even if microevolution is, apparently meaning that whenever evolution is observed it is microevolution, never macroevolution. These claims are considered a misuse of authentic scientific terms. Macro Evolution is a theory; it is also a fact.

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Q: Is macroevolution both a fact and theory?
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The opposite of theory is typically practice. While theory refers to a set of principles or ideas used to explain something, practice involves the actual application or implementation of those principles.

Is evolution a fact or theory?

Evolution is both a fact and a theory. The fact of evolution is the observed changes in the genetic makeup of populations over time. The theory of evolution explains how these changes occur through natural selection, genetic drift, and other processes.

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A scientific theory is a theory, no given proof of being a fact, a scientific law is what always happens, essentially a fact. Both is in chemistry and physics. The theory of gravitation happens before it became the Law of gravitation. Scientific theories and laws are similar except laws were proven to be recognize as a fact.

Is evolution a law or theory or a hypothesis?

Answer 1A theory. Just as E=Mc2 is the theory of relativity.Answer 2Evolution is both a fact and a theory, although the fact and the theory of evolution are - at least in my book - two different things:The fact of evolution is the observation that lifeforms evolve over time.The theory of evolution is the model that explains how they evolve, and how that applies to our findings in genetics and palaeontology. The theory of evolution incorporates a number of well-tested hypotheses, laws, and facts.

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1- Natural selections and mutations 2- Speciation and macroevolution 3- Fossil records 4- Strong connections between current species 5- Theory of common concent

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A "theory" is a scenario of what might be.

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The six patterns of macroevolution are stasis, gradualism, punctuated equilibrium, adaptive radiation, convergent evolution, and extinction.

Is evolution is theory or law?

Evolution is both fact and theory. One could say that there are laws of evolution. One such law could be: that reproductively isolated populations will always diverge genetically.

Why is evolution theory not fact?

Evolution is a scientific theory that is supported by overwhelming evidence from various fields such as paleontology, genetics, and microbiology. The term "theory" in science does not mean a guess, but rather a well-substantiated explanation based on evidence. While evolution is widely accepted among scientists, it is not considered a fact in the same way as established scientific laws because theories are subject to modification based on new evidence.

What is the difference between a clue and a theory?

A clue is a datum - a fact. A "theory" tries to tell you what the fact means.

Changes in groups of organisms over time produce variations in a population this relates to?

both Macroevolution and Microevolution Good luck with Novanet. God help you.