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The Abrahamic faiths are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Lutheranism is a form of Christianty. Therefore Lutheranism is an Abrahamic faith. That is an example of a classical syllogism.

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Q: Is lutheranism part of the Abrahamic faiths?
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Which of the following are Abrahamic faiths?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the Abrahamic faiths.

What are some Abrahamic's faith?

Lutheranism, Shia Islam, Orthodox Christianity.

Which of the are abrahamic faiths?

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A mythical being.

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Monotheism, or belief in one God. The three faiths mentioned are specifically known as the Abrahamic faiths.

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In the view of many, no god is real.In the view of those who follow one of the Abrahamic faiths (Christianity, Islam, Judaism), only their God is real and all other gods are not real.Followers of other religions may believe that the Abrahamic God is not real, but most non-Abrahamic faiths are sufficiently tolerant to accept the possibility of his existence.

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Which religious worshipped one god?

All of the Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam, and the Baha'i Faith.

What is the collective term for Jewish and Christian faiths?

AnswerThe Jewish and Christian faiths are collectively known by the term Judeo-Christian. An even more inclusive term, which also includes Islam, is Abrahamic.

How did god come to form?

followers of the major Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, believe that God has always existed.

Is Mohammed a true prophet?

Historical evidences has been the proof to his existence and teachings, and from the abrahamic faiths' perspective, yes he is a true prophet, for the Muslims.

What is abrahamian religion?

The Abrahamic faiths are all monotheistic ones that have their roots in the prophet Abraham, the central religions are Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Bahá'í.