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Answer:In short, no.

Life is no more sacred than rocks or planets - it's just what happens.

Being sacred implies some divine being, and it's fairly clear there isn't one

(we live on one rock around one star in one arm of one galaxy amongst millions and more then that - it would seem odd if a universal god was so interested in our little rock, don't you think?) Although religious nuts will just ignore that fact and sit blindly like they always do.

However, people may find life sacred. That's up to them. Life is how you make it, all what matters is what YOU do with your life. If you do nothing then your life is not special in anyway and your just a waste of resource. If you are helping the world and making peoples lives good, then you are special, but its not sacred, its just important.


Mine is sacred to me... as are the lives of my children and grandchildren. Now, if we can all learn that everyone else feels the same way about their own lives... and give due respect and reverence to that knowledge on behalf of one another.


1. Sacred does not have to be connected with religion. It can simply mean "to be held in reverence or with respect". Pick up a dictionary and maybe take some meditation lessons. You seem to be an angry person but hey, if lashing out at people because they don't agree with you makes you happy, have fun. Don't worry about what else you could have expended your energy on. All that vehemence is worth it!

2. If God didn't exist, it would make it even more valuable because then that would mean all you really have is your time here before you're a corpse. The more of something is in supply (consciousness and time), the less value is applied to it.

3. Yes, it's true. Life "just happens". Generally, the more rare something is, the more precious and valuable it is considered. That's why gold was used as a currency and not sand. Take a look through a telescope. Do you see any space ships? Take a look at a history book. Do you see any vast extraterrestrial empires coming to visit us or even attempting any form of communication? Life is pretty sparse here. This is why life is respected by human beings. This is also why intelligent life is revered so much more so.

4. If you don't think your life is intrinsically important and simply reduce humans to the production of monetary units in a machine, then maybe YOU'RE the waste of resources that should off yourself, hmm?

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15y ago

Just as in the Torah, the Qur'an states that killing an innocent person is equal to killing all of Mankind. Not only human life, but all life is sacred. Killing is only allowed for criminals - and aggressors. Innocent persons, no matter what their religion is, are sacred. Neither killing innocent people, nor suicide, is allowed in Islam.

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14y ago

Because there is only one. If you have a priceless artifact then it is worse to break it then the nick nack you got a Bargain Mart. Also, the term sacred refers to something that is "deticated to a religious pourpose". If a life is sacred then that means that it must be deticated to a religious pourpose. If one takes a life, than what they are doing is taking something that was created for a religious pourpose.

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12y ago

Yeah, They Believe that "The Most Precious Gift is Life"

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