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No, the soul experiences the particular judgment immediately upon death. At that time it either goes to heaven or hell, or if it is not yet perfect, purgatory in anticipation of heaven.

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Q: Is it truth the soul of the death will wonder on earth for 49 days before they leave for heaven?
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The Bible says God created Adam and Eve from the earth. This indicates that they were not spirits in heaven before they were on earth.

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AnswerThis can be answered from the perspective of belief. If you believe that God created heaven and earth, then man could not have been here before that time. But if you believe that God created heaven and earth just a few thousand years ago, then most certainly humans were here long before then. So, it is a matter of what you wish to believe.

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There were no people before god came to earth therefore no one went to heaven according to this guys comment well it was talking about jesus. god sent jesus to help the people with their sins and heal it,so god was already people getting to heaven

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Witnesses believe Jesus ascended to heaven after his death on earth.

When was On Earth as It Is in Heaven created?

On Earth as It Is in Heaven was created in 1977.