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yes bacause if not what is the traditional ang belief our pass people??

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Q: Is it true that proverbs are more superior than other literacy forms in expressing messages?
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Do proverbs are more superior than other literary forms in expressing messages?

yes bacause if not what is the traditional ang belief our pass people??

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Why did the US win the Battle of Midway?

A superior intelligence network that intercepted, decoded and translated Naval messages which allowed the US Fleet to spring a surprse attack.

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the spinal cord is used to send messages around the body from the brain ie use left hand and arm to wave etc...

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What is the difference between supportive and defensive communication?

SupportiveDescriptive Messages are clear specific statements without loaded words or judgmental cues. Inquiry Orientation: Messages invite other(s) to work together to understand issues or solve problems. Cooperative.Spontaneity:Speaker's talk is unplanned and free of hidden motives. Considers what others contribute.Empathy: Messages convey interest and understanding, responsive to others' feelings and thoughts.Equality: Messages signal worth in others and their contributions. Ask for others' viewpoints, ideas.Provisional: Messages are points of view, and open to other views. Provisional attitude invites alternative views.DefensiveEvaluative: Messages carry judgments of right and wrong, good or bad, and nonverbal cues of evaluation. Control: Attempts to impose one's on others, sometimes with coercion or manipulation. May use position to get others to agree.Strategy: Messages suggest the speaker is trying to direct others, is not open to different ideas.Neutrality: Messages demonstrate lack of interest, indifference. Good for poker, terrible for communication.Superiority: Messages suggest speaker is superior, others inadequate with little of value to offer.Certainty: Messages suggest absolute, black and white truth. No room for differing ideas or viewpoints.