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Well the Star of David pretty much represents belief in the Jewish religion. Or Jewish heritage. Even if you are not either, I guess it's really up to you. If you are unsure about it, talk to your pastor and (if you're a kid) your parents about what they feel.

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14y ago

It depends on the context (does doing so express solidarity with survivors and victims of the Nazi death camps? does doing so mock them? etc.). In the United States at least a Catholic has a First Amendment right to wear the Star of David even if it were inappropriate or insensitive to do so. In other words, one might have a right to do so but it might not *be* right.

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12y ago

It is alright for Christians to wear whatever they want, in the free world. Obviously the wearing of Nazi insignia is banned in the countries of the Holocaust and other things could offend other groups.

It should be noted that Jews are not terribly excited by the notion of Christians wearing the Star of David in the same way that Catholics would not like Jews carrying around rosaries because "the bead-thing looks cool". It is a religious symbol and should be respected as such.

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