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That's a matter of personal opinion. Most members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) would not sleep naked on a regular basis, due to the fact that they believe they should be dressed modestly and not leave parts of their body showing unncessarily. Also, what would you do if there was an emergency and you had to run out of your house? But there is nothing in Church doctrine that says anything specifically about sleeping naked... you can study what has been said about modesty and other related doctrines and make the decision yourself.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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O'Brienmyers 1642

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βˆ™ 2y ago
I am a Latter Day Saint and I like to sleep buck naked so my skin can breathe. Wearing clothes all day is bad for my skin so I let my skin breathe all night by sleeping naked. Whether it’s sinful or not is up to you however playing with yourself is a sin
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I’m a Latter Day Saint and I like to sleep buck naked so my skin can breath, wearing clothes all day is bad for your ski, I wear clothes all day but I sleep naked all night so my skin can breathe. Whether it’s sinful or not is up to you however playing with your private parts is very sinful, it goes against the law of chastity. According to the law of chastity you have to have a clean min, a clean mouth (meaning no profanity), and a clean relationship with other people.

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No. it is not okay.

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People sleep naked of all ages so of course you can. Just wear something when you need to go to the toilet.

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Perfectly ok

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1. errr no! but that's my opinion .. 2. why would a 14 year old want to sleep naked with their father?

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I honestly do NOT believe it is appropriate to sleep naked with your big sister. I think it is ok to sleep naked but why would you want to sleep with your big sister that way? not at all approite it how old are you? is she sleeping naked to? As you both get older it might come back to disturb you... And also what if someone at school told everyone? Just sleep Naked with a stuffed animal. , rmorong

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Have a naked pillow fight and post it online (if you are a guy you can but I don't suggest it unless you are ok with the fact every1may think you are gay)

Is it OK to sleep naked with your 14 year old son?

For a mother, it is assuredly not okay. For a father, it is questionable and just not necessary. But, different people have different mores.

Does the Jonas brothers ever sleep?

they like to sleep naked =) id love to tap that( they do not sleep naked, they sleep in PJ's. If they fell asleep naked they would have a photo of it. No Da!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Is it a sin to sleep naked?

No, it is not a sin to sleep naked. There is no command in the Bible that would make this sinful.

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Sounds like you are sending him the signal that you want to do something with him in the bed. He's your brother. If nothing has happened, nothing is going to happen. So what if something does happen as long as you both want it ?

Does Gerard way sleep naked?

In a Fuse interview, he said he can't sleep naked and described himself as a 'pyjama guy'. However when he bought his infamous skeleton pyjamas, he found them too hot to sleep in and had to sleep naked a few nights while on tour.