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Yes it's is it's very wrong in Islam and you will be punished in the after life but Allah swt may forgive you if you repent.


It is not wrong if leads to warmer and more pleasant relationship between wife and husband and if not aiming at hiding acts against Islam teachings. examples are as saying to wife you are the most beautiful woman while she is not or saying I can not live without you but you can ... etc.

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No. A Muslim does not lie. In only three cases is it allowed. 1) If there is a conflict between two people, you can go to one of them and say something like: "He does not hate you. He told me he likes you". In order to make peace. 2) If your wife or husband made you angry, you can tell her or him that you are not angry. Again, in order to make peace. 3) If you are in the middle of a war, it is permitted to make the enemy think you are going to do one thing, when you are really going to do something else.

Those are the only three times. otherwise, to lie is a sin.

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13y ago
Answer AIn "Taqiyya", or "Kithman", they are encouraged to deceive if it is for the good of Islam. Islamic scholar Abu Hamid Muhammed al-Ghazali says "It is permissable to lie if attaining the goal is permissable". Amir Taheri, Islamic author, states that according to Islam, "Muslims have every right to lie and deceive their adversaries, and a promise to a non Muslim can be broken whenever necessary." And, according to Abdullah al-Araby, "Within Islam there are certain provisions under which lying is not simply tolerated, but actually encouraged. Muslim scholar Afif A. Tabarrah, says in his book The Spirit of Islam, on page 247, "Lying is not always bad, to be sure, there are times when telling a lie is more profitable and better for the general welfare, and for the concilliation among people, than telling the truth.

Most believe, however, that lying is never a good thing.

Answer BAs comment on the above:
  1. Taqiyya is not a reference for Islam teachings. It is the contrary, most of the information based on this reference are false and against real Islam teachings. The basic references are Quran and prophet Muhammad sayings and practices.
  2. In Islam, prophet Muhammad says that the true faithful Muslim may commit bad and forbidden acts as fornication, drinking alcohol, etc... but he never lies.
    1. Against the enemy during war by spreading wrong information about when to wage the war, the number and provisions of the army, ... etc
    2. to lie to your wife to please her by saying for example that she is the most beautiful woman in the world.
    3. to lie to bring the friensdship again between two good and faithful friends.
  3. lieing is allowed only in three cases; namely:
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no one knows what happens if u lie only allah


Lying is sinful and is strictly forbidden in Islam except during war, or to bring friends back together, or to your wife/husband as a matter of complement.

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10y ago

Not if you lie to fellow Muslims; but a Muslim is allowed to lie to a non-believer.

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Q: Is it ok for muslims to lie to or deceive non believers if it is to help spread the nation of Islam?
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