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Do you mean the wine that symbolizes the Blood of Christ? If so it is not mandatory as most churches do not even offer it because of the huge number of parishoners.

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Q: Is it mandatory to drink water after receiving communion?
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Can people drink water and eat before Eucharist?

You are not meant to eat within an hour before receiving the Eucharist, but you can drink water during that time.

How long do you fast before you may receive Holy Communion?

You are supposed to fast for one hour prior to communion. Most Catholics are unaware of that requirement, so it is not often practiced. Also, since Communion is late in the mass, as long as you weren't eating or chewing gum in church, you probably accomplish that just by being there.Roman Catholic AnswerBy not eating or drinking (save water) for one hour prior to Holy Communion. This is much mitigated. Before it used to be three hours, and before that it was a total fast (even water) from midnight until one received Holy Communion. There is an exception for the sick being giving Holy Communion outside of Mass, in this case, the fast is only fifteen minutes. The fast is to show respect for receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. You should not receive during that Mass if you haven't fasted for at least one hour, but make a spiritual Communion.As a sacrifice and to maintain the sacredness of the sacrament, fasting means no food or drink one hour before receiving communion. Water is OK. It used to be fast after midnight on the Sunday you receive communion, but that was changed over 40 years ago to the current practice

Ordinances of the church in the assemblies of God?

The Assemblies of God practices two ordinances: Water Baptism and Holy Communion. Water Baptism is by immersion after repenting of one's sins and receiving Christ's gift of salvation. Holy Communion (the Lord's Supper) is a symbolic remembrance of Christ's suffering and death for our salvation

can you get fasting blood work after receiving a communion host?

I believe the only substance that cannot alter the rate or that might give it a slight change is water but any thing attall apart from water changes your fasten blood

Can you eat before holy mass?

.Catholic AnswerThere is no rule about drinking and eating before Mass, EXCEPT if you want to receive Holy Communion. There is a rule that you must be fasting from all food and liquids (save water) for sixty minutes before receiving Holy Communion, unless you are sick at home, or in the hospital and a minister brings you Holy Communion, then the rule is 15 minutes.

How do you make sure the sheep on the farm get enough food to eat and water to drink?

To make sure that sheep on the farm get enough food to eat and water to drink, be sure to keep a daily chart of their feeding times. By doing this, you can monitor their progress daily and be sure that they are receiving sufficient food and water.

Can a Methodist receive communion in an episcopal church?

Yes! Any Christian baptized by water with a Trinitarian formula may receive communion.

What do blue belly lizard drink?

they drink water.

How do you make holy communion hosts?

How do you make holy communion hosts?A different response:If you are asking about the actual wafer used in communion, it is made of flour and water, rolled or pressed into a mold or small cake, then baked.

What do Snow Leopards drink?

snow leopards drink water but i don't which water they drink i think it is spring water

What does a warrior cat drink?

They drink water from the lake.

Why does a kangaroo not drink water in its lifetime?

They do drink water.