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The world is now a far more tolerant place than it was in the Middle Ages, or even as late as the early years of the twentieth century. Almost no where in the world is there anything to prevent one from being a Christian or from openly worshipping as such. One of the few significant official restrictions is found in some Islamic countries where conversion from Islam to Christianity is prohibited. Even here, Egypt has recently eased the restriction, so that a former Christian who converted to Islam may, if he chooses, return to Chritianity. Christianity is almost universally respected and the right to practise the faith openly is also respected.

By the same token, if "being a Christian" implies the right to impose Christian beliefs on others, then this is no longer accepted in the way it once was. People may politely listen to a Christian's views but now reserve the right to form their own opinion. So, it is not hard to be a Christian to the extent of following the Christian faith without harrassment or persecution, but it is harder to be a Christian if being one must mean seeking to convert others.

Another opinion

Being a Christian is not difficult in itself since it involves having a personal relationship with God and having complete inner peace. In that sense it cannot be touched by external events or pressures. However, it may be difficult in the sense that society as whole does not adhere to the values and morals defined by God for the good of humankind, thus one sees corruption daily which is not pleasant knowing the short and long term damage it causes.

For many Christians around the world, persecution is a constant reality or threat as their human rights are denied them and abused. Many are still martyred for their faith particularly in some Islamic or Communistic countries including China, India, Egypt, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and many other nations. Even in tolerant nations, a Christian may be harassed or unfairly treated because the definition of tolerance hypocritically does not extend to Christians.

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Being a Christian is most certainly not easy, however, it is the most rewarding. when christians suffer, it shows the world we're human too, and shows the that they can become christians. i would gladly sacrifice a bit of suffering on earth for an eternal perfect holy life in heaven.

just a 14 yr old's two-cents ...hope it answers your question. :)

Jesus did not come to make our life easier, he came to make our afterlife perfect, and possible for us humans to one day enjoy... forever. I'm looking forward to that. will i see you there?

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