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Depending on the faith in question, it may not only be ethical (within that faith's context) but it may be a mandate of that faith. If you practice a faith that teaches salvation comes only to people who embrace your faith, then you are allowing all to perish eternally who do not embrace your faith. Some individuals will go to any extreme to save the lost from that fate. The question becomes: should there be legal limits to the proselytizing activities of the faithful? It may come to that, and I would support it. The government has been breathtakingly weak regarding our position before organized religion. The Constitution mandates (and by the way, this could be amended, if the people wish to do so) that we make no law regarding the establishmentof religion. So we won't establish a national church. That is a very good thing. We have cowered to the point where religion has an unbridled reign, sometimes outside the limits of the common good. For example, no faith organization should be allowed to avoid paying tax.

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Q: Is it ethically correct for a religious-minded person to propagate his or her own religion higher and better than others?
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