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yes,it is very important to fast because fasting is a spiritual energiser[isaiah40 VS 31].Even Jesus had to fast in order for him to have a effective prayer life.When the disciples were unable to cast the devil out of a man Jesus responded and said to his disciples 'this type goes not except by prayer and fasting'.because,;the effectual fervent prayer of the rightous maketh tremendious power available.Therefore,fasting is a provoker of power.and you need power in this wicked world.

yes,it is very important to fast because fasting is a spiritual energiser[isaiah40 VS 31].Even Jesus had to fast in order for him to have a effective prayer life.When the disciples were unable to cast the devil out of a man Jesus responded and said to his disciples 'this type goes not except by prayer and fasting'.because,;the effectual fervent prayer of the rightous maketh tremendious power available.Therefore,fasting is a provoker of power.and you need power in this wicked world.

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Q: Is it a must for a Christian to fast in order to have effective prayers?
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