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Some Muslims believe that if you feel that an act has been committed against the Islamic law, take the matter to the court and the court will decide what to do. No individual is allowed to kill anyone. As the Quran says: "Whoever kills a Muslim will remain in hell forever."

However, there are many Muslims who believe that honor killings (such as killing a daughter if she gets raped) are mandated by their religion.

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Misconception: Stoning to death allowed (e.g. for adultery)

Background: Some think that 'stoning to death' is a punishment laid out in The Quran or promoted by Islam for acts such as adultery.

The Quran never sanctions stoning to death as a punishment for anyone. In fact, the only times it is mentioned in The Quran is as a threat to believers from non-believers:

11:91, 18:20, 19:46, 36:18, 44:20, 26:116

Also, the misconception of 'stoning to death' as punishment for adultery is disproved by The Quran as the punishment for proven adultery are lashes [24:2]. Furthermore, this punishment is halved for formerly slave woman due to their past circumstance [4:25]. Since half 'stoning to death' is not possible, this further proves 'stoning to death' for adultery is not permitted.

Stoning to death as a punishment for adultery is from traditional narrations (called "hadith") attributed to the prophet Muhammad, as recorded by later generations.

By means of Stoning to death in public, Islam intends to deter and / or root out such heinous crime like murder and adultery from the earth first and for all. It will diminish the crime rate. Not as tie-worn Europeans living in luxury by squeezing and taking usury from the oppressed view - there view on this punishment is barbarianism - nonsense. Not to blame them - they were in their dark ages when Islam taught science, medicine and astronomy.

Islam or say God Almighty has no intention to eliminate a person from the earth. His intention is to deter the crime for the common benefit of the mankind. Those who think stoning to death is cruel or barbarian, they are not actually civilised. They want the criminal either to enjoy in air-conditioned jails with all luxury or get eliminated through "so called pacified" means of lethal injuction. they cannot think death is very painful in any means........

Likewise, they do draw the pictures of Holy Mary (PBUH) well covered like Muslims do with headclothes and nuns who wants to be bride to Jesus (PBUH), but when Muslim women wear hijab, it is suppression...... so funny. Let the idiots think like nuns, these Muslim women are the brides of their legally weded husband...

Like Jaques Chirac of France, he loves to enjoy the nudity of young girls. This is a tendency which hides in their person for pedophile, which is to be met with capital punishment

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No religion or race preaches such inhumanity of stoning someone to death its mere myth nd nothing else with due respect to Islam as far as i m concerned no such teaching is included in Quran.....

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Q: Is honor killing allowed in Islam?
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