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No. in Islam the hair of body is recommended to be removed regularly before they get long.

only the beard is recommended in Islam to not be removed to be a sign for Muslims.

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Q: Is haram hair remove from men body in Islam in hadith?
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everything that is healthy for human body. the allowed food in Islam is called Halal food. some foods like wine and pork are banned in Islam and they are called Haram food.

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no its not haram but anything which is harmful to humens its haram to use. __________________________________________________________________ It is not haram on condition that the trousers are in compliance with Islam clothing rules. It should not be tight and describing the body figure. It should not be transparent and visualizing what is beneath. It should not be describing and/or showing sexy parts. Refer to question below.

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Is embalming haram for muslim. pls give your answer?

Answer: It is forbidden to embalm the body. The dead body is never placed on display anyway in Islam, so why embalm? The ruling is that the body is wrapped in plain cloth and placed in the grave on soil - so that it decomposes and returns to the earth completely.

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In Islam having a tattoo is haram. It pigments the skin on permanent basis and can even cause skin cancer etc, but basically it is forbidden because a Muslim cannot do a wadu or ablution wearing a tattoo.

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No body is holy in Islam religion

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no aslong if its not showing your body and if u love it u can do it!

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