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YES, just look around you, if you think all this and you are part of a accident, just part of a big bang THEORY. then your wrong. there is a God and he has answered my prayers I know that he lives.

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Q: Is god of the world real?
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Is this a real world?

It depends of were you stand and how you think. if you belive in god no this is not the real world its a test but killing your self will not let you free. if you dont belive in any sort of god than this is the real world and this is all you will ever know, or so you think in less god is real.

Why God made the world for us?

god created the world for u so we could actually have a real life

What god made the the world?

hes not real that's how

Who is the most powerful of the world?

But the real on is God(Lord)

What signs are there that prove that God is real?

Outside of faith there are no signs that God is real. If there were, then of course every person in the world would believe. Some believe that God answers prayers, but every objective effort to prove this has failed. Some believe that the world itself is proof of God, but if it is it is also equally proof that Brahma is real and that every other creator god is real. Children still learn that the rainbow is a sign from God, but scientists will now tell them that rainbows are simply a refraction of light and would exist, God or no God. There has never been a sign that God is real.

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aslan's ,from narnia, name is god or jesus.

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In Norse mythology, Thor is a prominent thunder god. However, in the context of real-world religions, beliefs, and historical records, Thor is considered a mythological figure rather than a real god.

What was C.S. Lewis trying to achieve?

he was at first trying to convince the world that god didn't exist.then he was convinced that god is real(wich he is) and then he started writing books to try prove that god is real

Is god the one that created the world?

no there is no proof that god is real but there is alot of proof about evolution and that man envolved from appes

When is the real end of the world?

Nobody can tell. God is the only one who knows it.

Is prepare to meet your GOD real?

well i believe that god is real because lots of things happen too people there called testimonies and god sends messages to some people too share with the world

Who helped god make the planets?

Sorry god isn't real, our very own Lucifer made our great world.