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I would say everything is of one 'sub-consciousness' and that those who embrace spiritual oneness hope for one consciousness to see the light of day.


That is an outstanding answer, I totally agree. But it is almost impossible for people involved in a religion to take their eyes off of their individual God, to understand that. 'The Lost Rivers Out of Eden' by Mike Kusiak, takes the Holy Bible and shows the reader the spiritual side of it which makes the Holy Bible the most inspirational book in the world. It begins by separating the sub-conscious from the conscious minds of the reader. A guide takes the sub-conscious mind on a journey and leaves the conscious mind behind to turn the pages and read the book.

It is a fascinating journey where ALL of the previously mysterious verses and parables in The Bible become completely clear. Actually the 'mark of Cain' and the '666' appear before your very eyes which makes the entire Bible transparent, it's a great book which if read by enough people will end the Mid east wars forever, end all addictive behavior and all of the current problems which face mankind. It is truly worth reading. It's cheap on

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Q: Is everything of one consciousness
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Is possible. Everithing looks REAL, but is possible that "we" are one single entity, one brain - The GOD! weird...

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What is cosmical?

Cosmic consciousness is being in that state of realization, of enlightenment where one becomes conscious that we are not the body although we have a body, we are not the mind although it seems to exist. When we realize we are the Divine Soul, when we become the witness, the observer, we reach that state of consciousness. This consciousness which is self-awareness or self-realization goes deeper into God-realization. It goes on to realizing that this entire cosmos is nothing but energy, Divine energy. This same energy is in you, in me, everything beautiful is a manifestation of this energy. This is cosmic consciousness, to become conscious that the entire cosmos is one Divine manifestation.

By creating connecting and holding the fate of everything can GRAVITY be considered GOD?

A lot of confusions in understanding and realizing the truth behind God. Actually God is everything. There is nothing beyond God. But there is only one God. This has been named differently in different religions. Even atheists name the same as Nature. Christians name as Father, Muslims name as Allah, Hindus name as Brahman. As we do a systematic study then we come to realize that God is nothing but our own consciousness. Consciousness are of different types. Waking state, dreaming state and sleeping state. Usually all of us enjoy these three beyond doubt. There is fourth major state of consciousness named as Transcendental consciousness. If such a transcendental consciousness exist round the clock, then that state is considered as cosmic consciousness. As one reaches this state, then God consciousness becomes so clear which definitely takes to the final state known as Unity consciousness. So to pass through all these states it is so essential to observe our thinking process without any expectation. Then we come to know that God is one and Lords are many. Jesus is Lord not God. We accept him as the son of God. But Muslims treat him as the messenger of God. Atheists consider him as just a human being who lived as an exemplified to show love towards each and every one and even everything.

Where is one part of Jonass consciousness?

in other word

What is cosmic consciousness?

Cosmic consciousness is being in that state of realization, of enlightenment where one becomes conscious that we are not the body although we have a body, we are not the mind although it seems to exist. When we realize we are the Divine Soul, when we become the witness, the observer, we reach that state of consciousness. This consciousness which is self-awareness or self-realization goes deeper into God-realization. It goes on to realizing that this entire cosmos is nothing but energy, Divine energy. This same energy is in you, in me, everything beautiful is a manifestation of this energy. This is cosmic consciousness, to become conscious that the entire cosmos is one Divine manifestation.

What is animatics?

Animatism is the belief that everything is pervaded with a life-force giving each inanimate object a consciousness or personality - but not a soul, as in animism.

What are sources of the Vedas?

The vedas are the reverberations of pure consciousness. One unbounded ocean of consciousness is self referral by it's nature. Being consciousness it knows it's self. This means there is motion & that causes some sounds. There primordial sounds of the Ved are the expressions of the self interacting dynamics of consciousness. The Vedas are not created by anyone, they are self generated. The sounds of the ved precipitate as the forms of creation. Infinite diversity is lively in eternal unity which is my consciousness, your consciousness, the consciousness for everyone & the whole creation.

What is the meaning of the consciousness state?

Consciousness is the state of being aware of and able to think and perceive one's surroundings. It involves being alert, awake, and responsive to external stimuli and internal thoughts and feelings.

Is there a way to widen your state of consciousness?

To widen our state of consciousness, we must first understand the meaning of consciousness. We must experience moments of it, of mindfulness or mindlessness. When we stop the mind from its rattling, from its constant thinking, and experience being the witness, being the observer, this is consciousness. First consciousness may appear for a moment, or a few moments, then you can widen your consciousness by spending more and more time being conscious, observing the mind, controlling the mind from wandering from thought to thought. Therefore while the term widen your state of consciousness may be misleading, one can increase their level of consciousness slowly and steadily by the realization of the Truth. By yearning for liberation and unification, one can be a yogi who lives in union with the Divine, in a state of consciousness of the truth which is full of bliss and peace.