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Magic or magick, whether performed intentionally or not is a subject that man has struggled with for centuries. In the beginning everything unexplained was "magical" in some form or another. The trick question is really, does it exist? And if it does - how do we benefit from it without suffering the consequences?

The Bible is very clear on this subject: Do not get mixed up in stuff you do not understand. Maybe this message was meant for the people of the time... Think about it - What would Paul have said if you flipped a switch and lights came on everywhere?

A little weird, yes. Today our scientists want to explain everything. Which is really amazing, because we learn so much more of God's creation that way - even smashing molecules into each other is nothing for us with our relatively new large hadron collider... god particles (Thanks Dan!) included...

Mankind has always been looking for something "out there" to give our existence meaning. We cannot just accept that we exist because we do...or because we please God...

Back to the question - Is defensive magic offensive in any way?

Yes - it is - on the one hand.

IF you believe in forces out there you will be found by them. The more you believe the more accurately they'll hone in on you. The power of belief is something not even scientists can explain. If we take the theory of quantum entanglement for example:

This comes down to "we are all connected" and "part of one whole". If that is true we are all part of St. Theresa, God and Hitler and my pet guppy at the same time. Every one of us is then responsible for the genocides accross the ages and every one of us is part of every miracle - based on our interconnected nature, on a molecular, energy or wavelength level.

The straight answer is this:

If you were foolish enough to play with fire - protect yourself by all means possible. Delving into the occult and looking deeper into the abyss is frought with dangers. They DO look back - whether you see them or not. Want proof? Read the book of Daniel and the book of Revelations - God has seven spirits in front of His throne in heaven; Jesus exorcised a legion of demons from one man; Lucifer exists and he has quite the army to assist him in his short time to gather as many of our fragile souls as he possibly can... steer clear of dabbling in the "Craft" the "Arts" etc. You are inadvertendly opening doors into a world you do not want to know exists.

I asked this question once - and was answered all too loudly.

The only defensive spell against evil... is prayer to God. The only one there is. I am not a "Bible Basher" and do not even attend church. Today's churches are the festering gatherings of the unclean who wish to be perceived as saved, holy or to deceive themselves into believing their own deceptions.

There is a God. I am alive because He is alive. He knows who I am - personally. He knows you and right now as you read this... defy your doubt to prove me wrong!

God is Almighty and if you want to see magic - look at the universe, the earth, the stars at night, a baby growing inside a mother's womb - the tears of a loved one as another is buried - magic is all around us as we survive day in and day out. We do not need the occult to tell us this. We need not focus on the bad to see the good -

Without darkness we would not know of the light - without light there would not be shadow. All you need to know is that God surounds you 24-7; 365. You are His child and if you are a parent you know what that means... if you are a child you know what that means. We live by His Grace and we need not fear anything as long as He is our shield.

If you think this is a lot of nonsense - it will be. But I have seen the other side and it ain't pretty - the only thing that saves me every day - is my conversations with God and His Son, and allowing only ONE Spirit to enter my being and my thoughts and that is the Holy Ghost!

Peace be with you,

PS: What you believe becomes your reality... I found this site by accident while marking papers for seventh graders...I am glad to be alive and I hope you have some kind of answer. There really isn't a definite one - you decide in the end.

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Q: Is defensive magic allowed not wiccan or pagan or any other unholy group magic?
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