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It depends. Did you choose not to go to Mass because you didn't feel like it? Did you not go because you had something "more important" to do? Then, yes, it would be a mortal sin. If, however, you truly forgot that the day was a holy day of obligation, then it would not be. A person may still be held accountable, though, because "one should have known." Regardless, it is always good to go to Confession. The extra grace certainly can't hurt. :)

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Q: Is confession mandatory if you miss a Holy Day of Obligation?
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If you miss Mass on Sunday through no fault of your own it is OK. If you deliberately miss Mass it should be confessed to priest, but you can go to church anytime and not have to wait at all.Catholic AnswerPlease note that you are required by Church Law and by your baptism to attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation during the year. If you deliberately miss Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation, then you have committed a mortal sin and must go to confession before receiving Holy Communion. However, even if you do not make it to confession, you still must attend Mass, you just may not receive Holy Communion.

Why did United States Catholic bishops change Holy Days of Obligation?

Catholic AnswerThe United States bishops do not have the authority to change the Holy Days of Obligation, of which there are ten (outside of Sundays) in the year for the universal church. However, they may petition Rome, and Rome will decided how many days must be observed in the national territory. The United States bishops have requested six Holy Days of Obligation be mandatory for the United States, but the universal Church allows each province to choose if they want to maintain Epiphany on the 6th of January or move the obligation to the nearest Sunday. Also, if a Holy Day of Obligation falls on a Saturday or Monday, the Holy See allows the Bishops' Conference to remove the Obligation for that day. Why did they do the things they did? Not really sure, you would probably have to ask the Bishops' conference or your own Bishop. 1) The Vatican decides which Holy Days are Obligatory for each bishops' conference, for instance here in the United States only six holy days are obligatory. The bishop has absolutely no say in the matter, beyond being able to vote at the Bishops' Conference to ask the Holy See to add or subtract a Holy Day of Obligation. So, no, each bishop may not decided which Holy Days are Obligatory, if someone told you that, you should ask someone else and find out what is going on.2) It is a serious (mortal) sin to miss ANY Holy Day of Obligation, it would just be the same as deliberately missing Sunday Mass without a grave reason. Missing Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation then makes you unable to receive Holy Communion until after you have been to confession - period.3) This is true of every diocese in the world, and for every Catholic in the world. You need to go to confession, in which you might ask these questions while you're at it.

What is a Catholic Holyday?

There really is no such term as a Catholic Holyday, the term is "HolyDay of Obligation". A Catholic Holyday of Obligation is a day in which it is required that you attend the Mass. Holydays are Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, days when it is a grave sin to miss Mass.

In the United States bishops decide which holy days are obligatory for their diocese Why is it a sin in one diocese and not another to attend Holy Day Mass?

Catholic Answer1) The Vatican decides which Holy Days are Obligatory for each bishops' conference, for instance here in the United States only six holy days are obligatory. The bishop has absolutely no say in the matter, beyond being able to vote at the Bishops' Conference to ask the Holy See to add or subtract a Holy Day of Obligation. So, no, each bishop may not decided which Holy Days are Obligatory, if someone told you that, you should ask someone else and find out what is going on. 2) It is a serious (mortal) sin to miss ANY Holy Day of Obligation, it would just be the same as deliberately missing Sunday Mass without a grave reason. Missing Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation then makes you unable to receive Holy Communion until after you have been to confession - period.3) This is true of every diocese in the world, and for every Catholic in the world. You need to go to confession, in which you might ask these questions while you're at it.

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The nativity of Mary (SEPT 8) is not a holy day of obligation so it is not a sin to miss Mass on that day

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A priest from our parish said that one must be there at least in time for the Our Father to receive Holy Communion, but, in reality, you probably won't be denied Holy Communion if you arrived after the Our Father. Although you should not really even approach to receive if you are that late. If you have arrived that late, and it is a Sunday, you must either attend another Mass to fulfill your obligation or confess before receiving Holy Communion, as it is a mortal sin to miss a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation Mass.

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