The stressed syllable in "believe" is the second syllable - "lieve."
Behave is stressed on the second syllable.
The stressed syllable in the word "contentment" is the second syllable, "tent."
Tomorrow has a stressed first syllable ("to-") and an unstressed second syllable ("-morrow").
"Complain" is stressed on the second syllable - "com-PLAIN."
The stressed syllable of "dependent" is the second syllable, "pen."
The second syllable in "Japan" is stressed.
No, "rejoiced" is not a word with a stressed syllable. The stress falls on the second syllable, "joiced."
The stressed syllable in the word "example" is the second syllable, "sam."
Yes, the second syllable in "boundary" is stressed. The stress falls on the "dar" syllable.
Vacation is stressed on the second syllable. (vey-key-shuhn)
The second syllable is stressed.