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Q: Is a religion that unites elements from Theosophy and Christianity?
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What religion is Unites States in?

mostly protestant

Religion a force for good or evil?

Religion is agood thing because it unites people

Which religion unites people and celebrates life cycle events and harvests?

Just about all of them do.

According to this religion a single force called braham unites everything in nature?


The hindus believe the single force that unites everything in nature is called?

Hinduism is the main religion in India. The Hindus believe in Brahman, a powerful creative force that unites everything in nature.

How does religion help us?

Religion can provide moral values, Ex: The Ten Commandments

Does sport unite?

sport unites people around the world they don't think about the race or what colour they are and not religion and the also have something in common.

What role does religion play with culture?

you cannot separate religion and culture as both are interwoven, and culture is the seed for the generation of religion. The religion is always formed within the time frame and geographical conditions of the land to eliminate the unwanted elements of the existing culture and to arrange the prevailing culture in a systematic way

Why are you called the unites states of America?

because United states :Unites

What river unites with the Tigris river?

The Euphrates river unites with the Tigris river.

Are there any oil reserves in the unites states?

It depends on what unites states you speak of.

What unites and explains a range of observation?

A theory unites and explains a range of observations.