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No, there are female rabbis, even amongst the Orthodox. (Orthodox female rabbis aren't pulpit rabbis.)

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Q: Is a rabbi always a man?
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In the US , we call no man Master , but teacher and Rabbi are used daily.

Can a female rabbi marry a non-Jewish man?

Only if he converts to Judaism.

How does a man's life change after he becomes a rabbi?

He will often become leader of a synagogue and/or a Jewish community.

Are women allowed to be in charge of a synagogues?

yeah; they're called rabbi, just like a man would be

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Lonely Man of Faith The Life and Legacy of Rabbi Joseph B- Soloveitchik - 2006 was released on: USA: 9 November 2006 (Boston Jewish Film Festival)

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Originally, it was a rabbi, a rabbi, and a rabbi walk into a bar. . .

Who is the spiritual leader of the synagogue?

Any Jewish person may lead prayer services in a synagogue, but often a Rabbi leads.

Who were the Jewish religious teachers?

Rabbis. Here are a few examples from the Talmud. Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai, Rabbi Yonatan ben Uziel, Chanina ben Dosa, Bava ben Buta, Shimon ben Hillel, Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yehoshua, Rabbi Yossi haKohen, Rabbi Shimon ben Netanel, Rabbi Elazar ben Arakh, Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri, Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Nechuniah, Rabbi Nachum Gamzu, Rabbi Yossi Glili, Rabbi Honi Me'agel, Rabbi Abba Shaul, and hundreds of others. Each of these had large groups of disciples.

Who is the Satmar Rabbi?

Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum and Rabbi Zalman Leib Teitelbaum

What is a Jew Rabbi?

A rabbi is a teacher.

What is a Grand Rabbi?

A Chief Rabbi