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Yes it is my friend got married over a pentagram because she wanted her marriage to be binding and she is wicca

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Q: Is a pentagram a binding symbol?
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What are associations of the the pentagram?

The Pentagram is a five pointed star. For early Catholics, it meant the five wounds of Jesus. For Wiccans, the upright Pentacle, pentacle inside a circle, is the religious symbol. For LaVey Satanists, an inverted pentagram with the Baphomet face is their religious symbol. Pentagram can be found in ancient Solomonic Sigils and Planetary Talismans.

Is the pentagram symbol in much use now?

The Pentagram Symbol is used all over the place for all sorts of reasons. Like many other symbols, it can mean different things to different people.

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No they are not satanist's the upright pentagram is a symbol of protection thus meaning they are pagan, satanist use upside down pentagrams to show the symbol of man.

What is the symbol from slipknot satanic?

Slipknot use the pentagram with is seen as a satanic symbol.. they have also used the goat on the cover of the Iowa album.. they are wrongly acused of being satanists..

Who designed the converse logo and what does it mean?

The 5-pointed star of the converse logo is a pentagram. It is a Freemason symbol and also an ancient occultic symbol. It is representative of Sirius, the dog star, a sacred symbol to Masons.

What is a pentagram?

AnswerA Pentagram is a five-point star, the symbol of Neo-Paganism, rather like the Christian Cross. It represents the five elements, and stands for all that is holy However, the inverted pentagram is it's opposite; it symbolises evil. It's modern usage is mostly in Satanism. However, the inverted pentagram is it's opposite; it symbolises evil. It's modern usage is mostly in Satanism.AnswerThe inverted pentagram is not a symbol of evil. It just means that the spirit is no longer on top and that whom ever uses it inverted believes that the spirit is no longer above allAnswerThe five pointed Pentagram is thought to have originated more than 2,500 years ago as a symbol of the Goddess Kore, who was worshipped from present-day England to Egypt and beyond. The sacred fruit of Kore is held to be an apple, which when cut in half reveals a five pointed star.Within Paganism, the Pentagram symbolises the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water, with the upright point representing Spirit.Within Satanism the inverted Pentagram symbolises beast (man's baseness) over the four earthly elements.Within ceremonial Magick, the inverted Pentagram represents the physical world ruling over the spiritual.There is a long history to the Pentagram and Pentacle, which you can begin to explore via the website linked below.

What is the symbolic meaning of the apple?

The apple is the symbol of the divine. Apple trees are symbolic of wisdom and guidance. Slice an apple in half horizontally, take a look, you will see a pentagram. The pentagram is a pagan symbol of power. At some Samhain (sow-en) rituals the apple is sliced and the practitioners share both the apple as a symbol of life and the seed (which contain minute quantities of amygdalin, which is cyanide when metabolised) as a symbol of death.

What is the universal symbol for evil?

Probably a pentagram, grim reaper, or skull used to symbolize death or a spade, the death card.

How do you make a pentagram using your fingers?

To create a pentagram using your fingers, start by extending your hand and spreading your fingers wide. Next, use your index finger to point straight ahead, your thumb to point outward, and your remaining three fingers to form the lower points of the star. This will create a symbol resembling a pentagram.

Is a pentagram supposed to protect us from Satan?

It's supposed to be the symbol of satanism. Most spells, seances, rituals, sacrifices, and prayers to Satan are supposed to be done within a pentagram. I think it's done to open a connection to hell or something.

Is a 5 pointed star a symbol of pagans?

Yes, the Pentagram (5 pointed star) is a symbol of paganism. It most commonly represents the elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit.

Are there any tattoos which mean health?

Yarrow flower, Pentagram, Eye of Horus, In Ireland the nautical star is a symbol for good health