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No, certainly not. The Mennonites and Mormons are both are Christian groups, and both consider themselves seperate from both Catholic and Protestant traditions, but their doctrine and history are very different.

Mennonites grew out of the Anabaptist movement in Germany in the 1500s. Culturally, Mennonites can range from very conservative (including wearing plain simple clothes and living an almost Amish lifestyle) to quite liberal (some Mennonite churches have ordained female pastors and performed homosexual marriages). Many Mennonite churches are independent - there is not one denomination or organization that has authority over all (or even most) Mennonite groups worldwide. There are approximately 1.7 million Mennonites worldwide. Mennonites are pacifists who do not participate in the military and believe in traditional Christian doctrines including the authority of The Bible and the Trinity.

Mormons grew out of the Second Great Awakening in the Northeastern United States in the early 1800s. Culturally, most Mormons are moderately conservative, although even the most conservative Mormons blend in with society by dressing in regular clothing and embracing modern technology. All Mormon congregations are under the authority of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and everything from their church building to their curriculum is provided for and chosen by the denomination leadership - so every Mormon congregation is nearly identical. (there are some Mormon offshoot groups, but those belonging to these groups draw a distinction between themselves and the "Mormon" church). There are over 15 million Mormons worldwide. Mormons have many doctrines that are distinct from other Christian groups including scripture in addition to the Bible, a 'Godhead' where the Father, Son, and Spirit are seperate individuals, modern prophets, and more.

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